Marion County Public Health Department
Virginia A. Caine, MD
The impact of the opioid crisis here in Marion County and across Indiana is far reaching, impacting individuals, families and entire communities. Drug overdose deaths, more specifically opioid-involved deaths have continued to rise.
The 2017 rate of drug overdose in Marion County (37.4 per 100,000) is higher than the Indiana rate (25.7 per 100,000) and both are higher than the United States rate (22.4 per 100,000)
The Marion County Public Health Department has been hard at work to create data-driven responses to this crisis. The Substance Use Outreach Services program has focused resources toward addressing opioid overdose deaths and providing life-saving resources.
I encourage you to take time to read the information on this website and learn more about the opioid crisis and the resources available in Marion County. Everyone’s help is needed, across all sectors of the community, to improve public health and keep Marion County strong.
Virginia A. Caine, M.D.
Marion County Public Health Department

Marion County Public Health Department
Save a Life
The Marion County Public Health Department conducts community educational sessions about opioid overdose prevention and how to use naloxone to “Save a Life.”
The sessions train lay responders (drug users, friends and family members) on how to reduce overdose risks, recognize signs of an overdose, access medical services and administer Narcan Nasal Spray; in addition to taking other action (e.g., rescue breathing and contacting emergency medical assistance).
After being trained, each participant will be eligible to receive an overdose prevention kit, which includes instructions and a needle-free nasal spray filled with naloxone hydrochloride.
Participants will also receive a toolkit booklet with resources and referral information pertaining to substance use disorder treatment.

Marion County Public Health Department
Substance Use Outreach Services
Through prevention and supportive services, the Substance Use Outreach Services program (SUOS) offers a wide range of culturally appropriate and acceptable programmatic supports that reflect the needs and interests of the community. The SUOS program offers the following services:
- HIV rapid testing (results In 20 minutes)
- STD screenings (Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Trichomoniasis)
- Hepatitis C screenings ($20 fee with results in 20 minutes)
- Hepatitis B screenings ($20 fee)
- HIV/STD educational materials
- HIV/STD prevention counseling
- Group educational sessions
- Community health fairs
- Referrals for other supportive services
- Substance Use Case Management
(317) 221-4628
1650 N. College Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46202
Office Hours
M-F: 8am - 5pm